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The Coronavirus in the Workplace

Instructor Brenda Neckvatal
Webinar ID 31283
Duration 60 Minutes  

Webinar Price Details


The circumstances surrounding the coronavirus are continuing to develop each day, and with the rapid-fire nature of the modern media, details vary from broadcast to broadcast, leaving the audience in fear and confused as to what next steps they should take. Having a plan is the best course of action, and with the changing national condition, employers are feeling the pressure of growing concern.

As this potential pandemic continues to unfold each day, there are steps employers can take to prepare their workforce, encourage behaviors, and manage the business environment effectively so employees can continue to remain engaged and reduce the risk of panic and concern.

Why should you Attend

If you are in a leadership position, experienced in HR or new to the Human Resources field, have employees who travel or have a concern about how you will manage your people through crisis, this presentation will help you to:

  • Have employees who are presently quarantined or infected with COVID-19
  • Are in HR or new to HR
  • Alleviate your concerns and get clarity for your communication and behavior
  • Assist you to avoid ambiguous messaging to ensure your workforce is fully aware and working through changes being implemented
  • Manage the functional workplace through this crisis, including up to date insight on the constantly changing environment
  • Address the business’ internal and external response to the Coronavirus and any other crisis that occur
  • Review your current processes and plan ahead for potential issue areas

Managing HR is about mitigating risk, reducing conflict and pre-empting issues. The trouble right now is that there is an overwhelming amount of information, and conflicting directives from multiple sources. Because Brenda is monitoring the situation constantly and can apply her years of experience to the scenarios playing out, this presentation is vital for you to stay ahead of the changes and to ensure your workplace is proactively maintaining expectations, communication and function.

As a result of the training you will be better equipped to make decisions regarding the operation of your business, and be able to lead, or assist leaders in the business, and to prepare the business for ongoing change.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Understand what impact the coronavirus has on the workplace
  • Up-to-date litigation that is taking place in the US from COVID-19 related employer mistakes
  • How to determine what precautions employers and managers can take to mitigate the spread
  • Communicate effectively with employees through company-wide communication channels and managers
  • Avoid the risks of miscommunication
  • How to manage both Exempt and Non-exempt employees if the need arises for telecommuting

and more

Who Will Benefit

  • Business Owners who are concerned about the spread of the coronavirus and ow absenteeism will impact productivity
  • Anyone who is a new or experienced Manager and Supervisor
  • HR Generalists and Administrative Assistants
  • Payroll staff, and small business Administrative Assistants

Speaker Profile

Brenda Neckvatal is an international award-winning HR professional and two time Best Selling Author. Not only does she help business leaders get the people side of their business right, she is a specialist in crisis management, government contracting HR compliance, and mentor to rising entrepreneurs, business leaders, HR champions and professionals. Brenda has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Inc, as well as US News and World Reports. She started as an HR sprout after a solid fourteen-year career in retail management. She really enjoys helping people solve their unique problems, and human resources offered her the ability to support her co-workers more. Having the benefit of working for six Fortune 500 companies, she converted her experience into advising her audience to use tried and trusted best practices that help small businesses achieve their workforce goals. In her combined 30-year career in human resources and business, she has consulted with over 500 small businesses and C-suite leaders. She has optimized employee effectiveness and helped mitigate the high costs associated with making hasty employment-related decisions. She has been involved with employee situations where they have engaged in workplace violence, a near stabbing, deliberately inciting fear in other coworkers, stalking women, breaches of protocol around national security, assault, suicide, death, homicide, and a potential active shooter. Brenda is a devoted volunteer in the Navy SEAL Community and is constantly finding new ways of supporting veterans of Naval Special Warfare. She dedicates 32 weeks a year to working with The Honor Foundation to support the career transition of Special Forces personnel by providing them with her knowledge, insight, and creativity. Perseverance, integrity, and relentless optimism are just a few of the ingredients that make up what you experience when meeting and working with Brenda.